Monday, July 8, 2013

May 30, 2013


Well its been a while since we last posted, life has just been a little crazy. When we last left off the walls had been mudded. Well Friday morning I went by the house to meet with our PM to get un update. The trim guys were there installing all the interior doors and trim, they were moving fast! Our PM told me that we would have the first coat of paint on the walls during the weekend! Our garage doors were installed and our cabinets were also delivered as well!! Saturday we drove by the house and nothing was happening. Sunday we didn't make it by the house because we had a wedding, well Monday we went by and they were there painting!! They got the primer on the walls and it looked amazing already! Tuesday they came back and touched up all the imperfections that showed up with the paint! The plumbers were also at the house, they had dug a huge trench from the street to the house to connect the water and one outback for the sewage. We talked to the plumbers and they told us that they would be back Wednesday after it was inspected to finish up! Wednesday I drove by the house with the kids and sure enough the plumbers were there connecting the water to the house and I could see the painters painting trim in the house. I couldn't get the car close enough to the house because of the trench so I couldn't go in because the kids were with me, and I am sure not crazy enough to take 2 little ones in a house with wet paint!!
When talking to the PM Friday he informed me that this week after the paint was done they would install the cabinets and countertops, and start on the flooring! They are now back to saying that the house will be ready June 10th! well I am not holding my breath! There is still a lot to do in order to get the house finished and I am trying to stay positive but I just want my life back to normal and to stop having boxes piled in every corner! So we are going to think positive and distract ourselves with pretty pictures!
Trim work
closet doors
Columns in master sitting room
Paint with touched up walls
More paint! Solarium
More paint & trim our living room
Of course we opened one!! So happy with the color Autumn Brown!
Garage doors
Trench for water

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